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Here you will find all documentation about our products.

Here you will find the user manual for your Leak Solution Leak Protection.



Here you will find all documents from SINTEF .

TEK 17

Water damage-proof installations are water pipes that are designed and constructed with special emphasis on preventing water damage. Such solutions are characterized by their long service life, easy replacement and easy operation, inspection and maintenance. Water damage-proof installation methods can be:

    1. open pipe system in rooms with waterproof floors and drains

    2. placement of pipes in cabinets or furnishings, but in a way that makes leaks visible and stopped

    3. placement of pipes in a shaft or casing, but in such a way that leaks are visible and stopped

    4. pipe-in-pipe system when pipes are laid hidden in the wall/ceiling or in a system ceiling, and are laid with a distribution system in a waterproof cabinet with a drain to the wet room floor

Pre-accepted benefits

  1. Leaks from built-in cisterns or similar must be made visible. In rooms other than wet rooms, the leak must also cause the water to be shut off automatically.

  2. If the building's fixed water installation has an indoor tap point where the leakage water will not flow into a drain or overflow, an automatic leak stopper must be installed. The same applies to connection points for products and equipment that use water, such as washing machines and dishwashers. An automatic leak stopper is a moisture sensor that sends a signal to a valve that shuts off the water supply.

  3. Sprinkler systems constructed in accordance with NS-EN 12845:2015+A1:2019 or NS-EN 16925:2018+AC:2020 and NS-EN 16925:2018/NA:2019 normally pose no risk of moisture damage while the system is not triggered. There will therefore be no requirement for protection against accidental water outflow from the system.

  4. In buildings with sprinkler systems, the leak stopper must be installed after the installation point for the sprinkler system.


Schematic diagram

Schematic diagram for installing Leak Solution leak protectors in kitchens.

prinsippskisse kjøkken LS.png
prinsippskisse enebolig LS.png

Basic sketch of a detached house

Schematic diagram for installing the Leak Solution wireless leak detector coming in Q3 2025

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